Pluto in Aquarius - get ready to rumble
We look forward to seeing what this change of sign by Pluto may bring. I think many are 'battle-weary' of Pluto's revealing while traversing in Capricorn since 2008 (see previous August 2014 post). What can be said, is that it will be a revealing of matters through the lens of Aquarius collectively, and, depending on each person’s natal chart, individually.
Aquarian qualities are an extraordinary breadth of vision and open minded enquiry without prejudice. An ardent pursuit of truth combined with a knowing that learning can be found from anywhere. Individuality is ingrained and respected in others. So much information gathering and enthusiasm can result in not Earthing the results but rather sharing the knowledge.. An Air sign but paradoxically known as 'The Water Bearer'; is it not interesting that studies on the amazing qualities of water are expanding from previous studies, most notably Veda Austin's work. (
Like the orbit of its ruling planet Uranus, the view through the Aquarian lens can be eccentric and left field, I think we can look forward to many exciting innovations. Interestingly, Uranus's eccentric orbit is caused from the pull of Neptune, that dreamy ruler of Pisces. A positive vision of truth and dreaming may result in a new healing modality; an Air sign tempered by Water; one representing the an intellectual detachment, the other emotion and empathy, we need both.
Themes around futuristic vision, from the extra-terrestrial to the technological are already upon us and will become more so. In this regard let us hope for the emphasis to be on the inherent positive qualities of Aquarius. Pluto will reveal the hidden in Aquarian themes as it has done for the last 16 years in Capricorn where it showed the problems inherent in too big a hierarchical system that engenders inhuman bureaucracies, a system ripe for corruption.
Now Aquarian themes are under the spotlight. Will the individual be honoured, or catered for on a farm by artificial intelligence? Will the individual take personal responsibility now whilst aware that ‘the system’ robs him of time to assimilate and think?
One other Aquarian theme is revolution and its ruler Uranus embodies the time worn phrase ‘expect the unexpected’. If revolution, let it be to a loving consciousness, for a loving consciousness supports life and renders language, ideologies, ‘isms and power structures to nothing; they are as just steps along the way; but there is work to be done....
Despite the information below, know that Life always seeks balance and from the coming together of the opposites, new life is born, so whenever the scales tip too far, keep strong and remember that All Things Pass.
‘Technocracy is a resource based economic system that uses energy as its accounting system. It is the only economic system ever modelled from scratch in the history of the World.’ (Patrick Wood)